Monday 7 April 2014

Weekend Workshop

Lucky me, I spent the weekend with a group of enthusiastic and talented ladies and got do a fantastic workshop with the amazingly clever Samantha Bryan.  It was a fabulous weekend, read more about it on Jo's blog

This is my Urban Warrior Fairy, not quite finished. He has a clay head, a wire armature and a leather body. His armour comes from my extensive collection of rusted found objects carefully gathered on my walks around town, the breastplate is a rusty tin can lid, the head spike is a rusty nail and the 'wings' are rusted wire. The safety visor is made from clear plastic, salvaged from a chocolate box and leather.

not quite finished but getting there
more fairies to come

These are some of Samantha's - fantastic metalwork props for her fairies, this could be a possibility for another workshop

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