Monday 23 September 2019

Bookcamp by the Sea

What a week! Bookcamp in Queenscliff - a fantastic class taken by Liz Constable of Book art Studios. So lucky to have been in this class with ten other like minded people, a great and spacious venue with fabulous views of the ocean and a whole week dedicated to making books.

The view on day one, whilst not a conscious decision I think these ocean views really influenced my colour choices.

The end of week show and tell. Amazing how a group an get the same supplies and with the freedom to pursue their own colour choices produce such a variety of work.

The raw materials

Getting ready to dye our papers

Getting colour onto the paper.

Some of my papers, see the influence of the ocean on my colour palette.

Another day, another view.

Big sheets of paper transformed into smaller pages and then into signatures for the books. Off cuts saved and used to repair torn pages and for collage.

A few books in production

The beginnings of the finished set of books

The weather may have taken a turn for the worse but the views were still great.

A group shot, people and books in the Maloney (no relation but I couldn’t resist) Cohen Lounge.

The end of the week, nine books as planned.

And after the weekend at home, painted shelves and three more books.

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