Tuesday, 28 June 2016

The Ringmaster

 For many years I made cloth or art dolls. This one has been residing with an old family friend.  Unfortunately, she is now in an aged care facility and 'The Ringmaster' has been returned to me. I forget when this was made but more than ten years ago. If my memory serves me correctly it was my response to a doll making challenge themed Under the Big Top. Katie must have admired my efforts and I would have been happy to give it away, I love the challenge of making but am not especially interested in keeping the finished work.

I really loved the challenge of both sculpting this doll and the costumery involved.

The doll head has been sculpted with an open mouth, lips, a tongue and teeth. The process of creating the head was difficult and a challenge. I cannot recall who designed the original pattern and have discarded all my doll patterns so cannot check. The emerging character was definitely a male with the big dominant features especially the nose and ears.

Katie used it as a door stop. He is looking a little worse for wear and a bit dusty, however, his top hat and tails are very dramatic and contrast with the striped shirt.

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